The Benefits of Using an Independent Mortgage Adviser

Different kinds of mortgage guidance

So, what are the many kinds of mortgage counselling and where can you obtain them?


This form of mortgage broker provides the least amount of consumer protection; they will merely ask a series of questions to narrow the customer’s needs, hence reducing the number of mortgages accessible. They then give the customer with a short list of possible mortgages from which he or she can select the most suitable. The consumer protection here is based on the broker’s script of inquiries. The script is an impersonal process that is determined before to the consumer appointment. As a result, it’s doubtful that unique personal circumstances will be considered. It also implies that the consumers’ responses are factually truthful and that the consumer makes the ultimate decision alone. Although no advise is given, these brokers manage the mortgage application on behalf of the customer, taking care of all the chasing and removing the stress from the process. Here is the related site.

Where would you expect to find non-advised brokers?

Many non-advised brokers work for high-street banks and building societies, believe it or not.

Advisory only

This type of service involves a mortgage adviser applying their knowledge and expertise to find the best mortgage for a customer’s specific needs. This will entail a complete fact-finding interview, an affordability assessment, and a discussion of the consumer’s future objectives and goals, all of which will give crucial information about the consumer’s needs, allowing the adviser to discover appropriate products. The consultant, on the other hand, will not handle the mortgage arrangement; the consumer will have to engage directly with the bank or building society to do so.

Where would you expect to find advice-only advisers?

These counsellors rarely work alone, and their services are frequently given through the ‘Independent Mortgage Adviser’ type listed below. And it frequently occurs when the best mortgage is only available on the high street (rather than through mortgage consultants or brokers). As a result, the adviser would give the client an advice-only alternative and charge a fee for it. Despite the fact that the client must deal directly with the bank or building society, the consumer’s mortgage consultant is often able to assist them.