Use These Lawn Care Tips to Keep Your Lawn Healthy
There’s a lot more to maintaining a beautiful lawn than you might think. You undoubtedly desire a lovely and healthy lawn, but do you know how to maintain it? Here are some lawn care suggestions to help you keep your grass looking lush and green. You can try here How to Keep Your Lawn Green with Overseeding
Tip #1: Aerate the Grass – You should aerate your lawn in the fall or spring. This prevents soil compaction while also improving soil quality. This makes it easier for the grass to obtain the nutrients and water it requires.
Tip #2 – Fertilize – You should fertilise your grass when it is growing. For the best results, choose a fertiliser that slowly releases nitrogen into the soil.
Mow Appropriately (Tip #3) – Keep the lawn mowed to a height of about 3 inches. Don’t shave much more than this. Because grass grows quickly, keep it mowed on a regular basis to maintain this height.
Tip #4: Get Rid of Weeds – Weeds can suffocate attractive grass. Purchase weed-controlling products as well as weed-killing products if you already have weeds. Make certain that the weeds are never allowed to seed.
Keep Grubs Away, Tip #5 – Grubs can damage your lawn. From time to time, check the lawn. This can be accomplished by lifting a foot of grass and counting the number of insects present. If there are more than 5 grubs per square foot of lawn, you may need to use a grub treatment.