Services Offered By Grande Prairie Physiotherapy And Massage

One of the most common reasons patients see a physiotherapist is for cervical spine discomfort and dysfunction. The first step in the assessment is to determine what caused the pain to begin and how it has progressed since then. In around half of all cases, the reason of the pain is obvious, but in the other half, there is no way of knowing why the pain started. Where the pain is and how it acts gives the physio clues as to where the underlying pathology is and what therapeutic approach should be taken. You can try here Grande Prairie Physiotherapy & Massage

The physiotherapist will begin by looking at the location and type of pain. It’s critical to figure out if the pain is localised or if it extends to other sections of the body. For example, if the pain is severe and localised, a physiotherapist could suspect bad posture or a degenerative condition; on the other hand, transferred pain could indicate a pinched nerve or a problem elsewhere.

Because neck pain can be a sign of a variety of conditions, the physio will inquire about your overall health, medical history, weight loss, bladder and bowel control, hunger and sleep quality, and medication use. The objective examination begins with the patient removing their upper body clothing and examining their trunk, neck, shoulders, and arms for posture. A frequent postural anomaly that can cause pain is a humped thoracic spine with rounded shoulders and a protruding chin.

Cervical ranges of motion are measured in order to learn more about what’s going on in the neck. The physiotherapist will be able to determine the type of neck pain problem and how to begin treating it based on the patient’s response to movement testing. To diagnose the problem, cervical rotation, flexion, extension, side flexion, and retraction are all evaluated. To ensure that nerve transmission to the arms is working properly, muscle strength, sensitivity, and reflexes are examined.