Professional Website Designer – Explained

A website designer is a person who creates and designs websites for clients. Website designers are in charge of creating and designing a website for a business, organization or a non-profit group. Website designers use specialized software packages to create the designs for a website. There are many things that go into creating a website, from logo selections to color choices to page layout and functionality. Have a look at professional website designer for more info on this. The website designer will be responsible for putting all of these pieces together to create a website that is appealing to a specific clientele.

Most commonly, a website designer will use a WordPress theme, which is a pre-designed website template. WordPress themes come with pre-installed WordPress plug-ins and themes that give the designer total control over how a website looks and operates. These packages include header images, sidebar graphics, footer graphics, color schemes and other important graphics for the website. Many theme developers offer free themes and plug-ins.

When working with a WordPress theme, you have the option to upload your own graphics or take some from the various WordPress themes available on the internet. One of the popular themes available is the Times Square Redesigned Theme by Mark Segal. This redesigned theme includes retina quality graphics from Adobe Photoshop, pixilated squares that are consistent with popular square backgrounds and clean lines that are consistent throughout the site. All of the square logos are replaced with rounded red numbers that are centered at the top corner of the screen.