Know More About Waterloo Podiatrist

You should study more about podiatry before looking for a podiatrist. It’s a medical speciality that studies, diagnoses, and treats illnesses and injuries of the foot, ankle, and lower leg. Have a look at Waterloo Podiatrist for more info on this. Podiatrists are doctors and practitioners who specialise in podiatry. Plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, Morton’s Neuroma, flat feet, diabetes foot care, hammertoes, heel pain, plantar warts, infections, arthritis, and other conditions are treated by podiatrists. A podiatric physician’s education in the United States consists of four years of premedical education followed by four years of podiatric courses in medical school. They earn a D.P.M. (Doctor of Podiatric Medicine) degree.


There are some US-trained D.P.M.s in Canada as well, but if you’re looking for a podiatrist, you might end up with a chiropodist instead. In Canada, the two names are interchangeable. Chiropodists/Podiatrists have completed a three- or four-year programme in foot care, but they are not physicians and do not perform surgery or prescribe strong medications. Despite the fact that many of them have good training for the services they perform, some members of the Canadian medical community object to their usage of the title “Dr.” in front of their names because their training differs from that of actual physicians.

What Should I Do If I Need a Podiatrist?

There are various areas to look for a podiatrist if you are experiencing foot pain. First and foremost, consult your health care provider. They may be able to send you to a podiatrist that they recommend. Ask family, acquaintances, or coworkers if they’ve ever seen one. Look in the phone book or ask at your local hospital. Finding a podiatrist can also be done through the internet. Most provinces or states maintain a website that lists podiatrists in their respective cities.

Contact Info

Movement 101
3/863 Bourke St, Waterloo, NSW 2017
Phone:  (02) 7204 4159