All about Knoxville Exterminator

An exterminator (or integrated pest management professional) has the diverse and occasionally interesting task of exterminating mice, roaches, ants, spiders, wasps or any other small animals that are deemed vermin. Have a look at Knoxville Exterminator for more info on this. In truth, extermination isn’t quite a glamorous profession by any stretch of the imagination, however there is enough variety in the kinds of rodents and their hideouts that it’s… well… it’s not exactly high art. No, the pro in exterminator jobs are those of the “do it yourselfer” variety – the do-it-yourselfers are the unsung heroes of modern pest extermination. You might be forgiven for thinking that it’s a task best left to big shots with lots of money and manpower. Yet the truth is that exterminators are not only busy; they’re downright skilled with the arthropods that invade our homes and our lives.


The typical exterminator will approach the job of extermination in three ways: baiting, trapping and eliminating. Baiting is the use of harsh chemicals to kill a targeted insect, and is a popular method of extermination in many parts of the world. Unfortunately, this method can have disastrous consequences on unintended crops and vegetation. Traps work by siccing or inducing a critter into a cage or trap designed to extract it from a food source. Although commonly used, traps pose a hazard of their own; insects escaping from traps can often carry dangerous pesticides or insecticides which can harm humans or pets.

And finally, exterminators employ the use of pesticides or other chemicals to get rid of unwanted pests such as cave crickets. This process is often considered the more humane option, but it can also be more dangerous. Pesticides can be harmful to humans, as well as pets and animals, so it’s critical to choose an effective pest control method. And while Exterminator sounds like a catchy name, it’s really just another way of saying, ‘We exterminate everything else.’ It’s up to you to use precaution, take your time, and trust in professionals when they do the work for you.

Contact Info

All Pest Exterminating
1400 Pine Creek Rd, Knoxville, TN 37932
Phone No. : (865) 245-0284